Well. It seems I Knit
Oooo Lengthening Swath..... In spots, you might recognize K2 P2 ribbing. Knitting has un-bunged creative juices, it seems, and I am sloshing around in heretofore unplumbed Creativity Depths. Like suddenly accessing all that brain you usually don't, all of this juice plumbing has yielded surprising results. I was unaware, for example, that I knew how to increase and decrease, but at times, having cast on 22 stitches, I have shrunk to 18, swelled to 30, and am now holding steady at 26. I am hoping that this sort of flappy scallopy pattern will be much coveted by chilly little Mongolians (did I mention the Dulaan Project?) and the edges can be pulled up around little ears and will be all the rage and mostly warm.
Welcome to the Flock, Sis-tuh!
And you knit well and TRULY you do! It looks wonderful! The increasing and decreasing thing is just an ingrained, genetic do-flatchie that you likely got from your mum; she of the quietly clicking needles...
It looks like you're having a good time with it. Chilly Mongolians are even now happily contemplating it's arrival.
Well done You!
Marion says.....
Good job soooooooooooooo far in KNITTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what happened your blog is fun how come no more updates since May?
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